Contact us

We are always ready to server each and every associates or clients to listen them to improvise our products and services.

For Trade Enquiries: Call +91 86840 12225

Contact a Specific Department

Customer Care
  • We are always ready to hear customers feedback. If you have any concern related to our product, please feel free to call us @ +91 86840 12225
Trade Enquiries
  • We are running channel sales expansion program, so if you are interested to join us to serve poultry feed industry, please fell free to call us @ +91 86840 12225

Email Us

General Info

+91 86840 12225

60-A, Ansal Town, Sector - 36, Karnal. Haryana ( India)

Better and Nutritious Feed is Our Mission

We are in process to make things perfect and effective in better way

+91 86840 12225

60-A, Ansal Town, Sector - 36, Karnal. Haryana ( India)